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Fuente Fuente Opus X ST Dupont Table Lighter

Striking a match simply can’t compare to the luxuriant and eye-catching mechanics of the Fuente Fuente Opus X Table Lighter from ST Dupont. The substantially weighted palladium design hosts the Fuente family’s iconic and world-renowned Opus X cigar logo in sleek and elegant Chinese lacquer. The oversized top arm flips up with ease to release fuel and announce the oncoming flame. Softly swipe a smooth and solid roller bar to engage the flint-style spark and bring the flame to life. The extremely limited edition piece is highly collectible and abundantly over-the-top. Relax and light up a top-shelf cigar with the palatial dimensions of an Opus X table lighter after a long day on your private jet.

Fuente Fuente Opus X ST Dupont Table Lighter

Fuente Fuente Opus X ST Dupont Table Lighter
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Fuente Fuente Opus X ST Dupont Table Lighter
$3,200.00 $2,499.95 Sold Out