Top-Shelf Showcase
Score sizzling winter discounts on San Cristobal this week with FREE SHIPPING on all boxes, samplers, and 5-packs! We’re also tossing in a FREE San Cristobal Jetline Prestige Double Torch Lighter + Ashtray ($90 total value) with qualifying boxes! World-renowned cigarmaker Jose ‘Pepin’ Garcia blends the entire brand to an unrivaled standard for quality, taste, and consistency. Shop over 50 critically acclaimed options, including the 95-rated San Cristobal Quintessence, the original 93-rated San Cristobal, 93-rated Revelation, and the creamy and luscious, 91-rated Elegancia. Savor the hallmarks of one of Nicaragua’s finest brands with our biggest deals of the season on San Cristobal, plus FREE SHIPPING with a decadent DOUBLE FREEBIE!