La Aroma de Cuba Cigars
La Aroma de Cuba cigars originally began as a Cuban brand from the late 1800s, once a favorite of Winston Churchill. Reborn in the house of legendary cigar-maker, Jose ‘Pepin’ Garcia, La Aroma de Cuba has quickly grown into a mega-brand with several accolades and awards to its credit. Cigar Aficionado has crowned La Aroma de Cuba with numerous 90+ ratings and notable distinctions, including ‘#2 Cigar of Year’ honors as well as naming it the ‘#1 Bargain Cigar in the World.’ Handcrafted in Estelí, Nicaragua, the La Aroma de Cuba portfolio exemplifies Pepin’s versatility in blending the finest, aged premium tobaccos to a pinnacle standard that cigar enthusiasts everywhere now adore.
La Aroma de Cuba
Price Per Cigar:$6.23 - $8.7527 options availableStrength: MediumCountry: NicaraguaWrapper: Connecticut Broadleaf167 Reviewsread more -
La Aroma de Cuba Connecticut
Price Per Cigar:$6.23 - $8.7521 options availableStrength: Mild-MediumCountry: NicaraguaWrapper: Ecuador Connecticut33 Reviewsread more -
La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial
Price Per Cigar:$8.03 - $9.9518 options availableStrength: Medium-FullCountry: NicaraguaWrapper: Ecuador Habano25 Reviewsread more -
La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor
Price Per Cigar:$8.03 - $9.9518 options availableStrength: Medium-FullCountry: NicaraguaWrapper: San Andres68 Reviewsread more -
La Aroma de Cuba Noblesse
Price Per Cigar:$17.08 - $20.0012 options availableStrength: FullCountry: NicaraguaWrapper: San Andres Oscuro8 Reviewsread more -
La Aroma de Cuba Pasión
Price Per Cigar:$9.63 - $12.9518 options availableStrength: Medium-FullCountry: NicaraguaWrapper: Nicaraguan18 Reviewsread more -
La Aroma de Cuba Reserva
Price Per Cigar:$9.66 - $12.9518 options availableStrength: FullCountry: NicaraguaWrapper: San Andres Oscuro24 Reviewsread more
In November of 1895, an eager young lieutenant, Winston Churchill, arrived in Havana, Cuba, with his fellow officer, Reginald Barnes. The two encountered rebellion against years of Spanish conquest among the island’s inhabitants, and, of course, cigars. Here began Churchill’s lifelong love affair with Cuban cigars. La Aroma de Cuba was among Churchill’s favorite brands and one that he would readily add to the stockpile of 3 to 4,000 cigars he maintained at his country estate, Chartwell Manor, in Kent, England. To say Churchill’s cigar consumption was prolific, at roughly 8 to 10 cigars per day, may be an understatement. What cannot be understated is the influence La Aroma de Cuba enjoys in the premium cigar world more than 125 years later.
The contemporary resurgence of La Aroma de Cuba has been transplanted to Nicaragua, but the brand still displays a deep allegiance to its Cuban hallmarks. Much of La Aroma de Cuba’s modern-day authenticity is owed to the legendary Jose ‘Pepin’ Garcia (known as “Pepin”), whose origins as a master cigar-maker span many decades overseeing production in Cuba for iconic brands like Montecristo, Cohiba, and Romeo y Julieta.
At some point in the earlier part of the 20th century, brand trademarks for La Aroma de Cuba had slipped off the radar as the company’s distribution was halted for one reason or another. It was common for ownership of Cuban cigar companies to change hands frequently at the time. By the end of the 1990s, the Levin family, owners of the iconic Ashton brand, had acquired and registered the trademarks for La Aroma de Cuba with the intention of one day returning the historic marquee to its former days of splendor. The company officially relaunched La Aroma de Cuba in 2002.
By the mid-2000s, the Levin family had established a strong relationship with Pepin Garcia, and they shifted all La Aroma de Cuba production to the Garcia family’s factory in Estelí, Nicaragua. They felt the Garcias’ revered cigar-making expertise would be an ideal fit for developing La Aroma de Cuba. The brand quickly grew into a bestselling cigar due to its accessible prices and rich, complex taste. As demand increased, noticeable economic development filtered into Estelí and the surrounding area, and the Garcias began to expand their cigar-making operation significantly. A boom for Nicaraguan cigars was underway.
The ornate cigar bands and boxes La Aroma de Cuba cigars come in complete the package. Artwork for each line is designed by a professional artist and embossed on the packaging with vibrant precision, which reflects the luxuriant taste of the La Aroma de Cuba cigars.
Today, the La Aroma de Cuba portfolio includes an award-wining collection cigars that earn high ratings and are lauded for their complexity, balance, and flavor. The original La Aroma de Cuba is crafted from a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper over an all-Nicaraguan core of binder and filler tobaccos grown on Garcia family estates. Notes of cedar, brown sugar, and black pepper display a medium-bodied profile. The cigar finishes with a bit of sweetness and is available in a wide variety of shapes, priced from around $5 to $7 apiece. The Robusto was awarded a 93-point rating and crowned the ‘#1 Cigar Industry Best Buy’ by Cigar Aficionado.
In 2008, La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial debuted. The critics in Cigar Aficionado rated it 94 points and a ‘Top 5’ ranking in their annual top 25 cigars of the year list. La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial is considered the brand’s most Cubanesque release with its medium-bodied profile of smoked almond, leather, espresso, and cedar.
La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor earned 95 points and ‘#2 Cigar of the Year’ honors when it came out in 2010. Its versatile profile of almond, espresso, black pepper, and dark chocolate weaves a complex tapestry of sweet and spicy notes across the palate. Mi Amor is drawn from an aged San Andrés wrapper over vintage Nicaraguan tobaccos. The San Andrés region in Mexico is regarded for its fertile volcanic soils where the succulent stalk-cut crops develop perfectly.
La Aroma de Cuba Reserva followed soon after, in 2012, and is blended with a San Andrés Oscuro wrapper harvested from a higher priming on the plant where the leaves receive bountiful sunlight resulting in fuller, richer, and more complex flavor following an extended fermentation. La Aroma de Cuba Reserva earned a 94-point rating from the critics in Cigar Aficionado with its decadent profile of hickory, dark chocolate, and black pepper.
In 2021, La Aroma de Cuba Pasión, debuted with an impressive all-new blend of tobaccos. A beautiful Shade Grown wrapper is harvested in Nicaragua’s Namanji region where the Garcias discovered a unique microclimate perfect for growing premium crops over ten years ago. Today, over one-third of the family’s private 300-acre estate is dedicated to Shade Grown wrapper on fields shielded from direct sunlight and nourished by the basin’s snaking river. Beneath the wrapper, vintage binder and filler tobaccos from Estelí, Jalapa, and Namanji complete this 94-rated blend. Notes of molasses, smoked cashew, cedar, nougat, and spice layer the palate from beginning to end.
An immediate bestseller, La Aroma de Cuba Connecticut, joined the brand’s portfolio in 2023. This milder version of the original La Aroma de Cuba blend is finished in a golden-blond Connecticut-seed wrapper grown in Ecuador. The result is a mellow profile of almond, cashew, cedar, and coffee bean with hints of buttercream throughout a luscious smoke handcrafted in seven popular sizes. La Aroma de Cuba scored a 92-point rating right out of the gates from the critics in Cigar Aficionado.
Explore seven versatile, top-rated blends from a contemporary Cuban-legacy brand when you add La Aroma de Cuba cigars to your humidor today.