Davidoff 3-Cigar Tubo Assortment
Three distinct, mild and creamy blends are gathered in the Davidoff 3-Cigar Tubo Assortment. Bask in handcrafted flavor and aroma from the Davidoff #2, Davidoff 2000 and Davidoff Special R blends in an elegant gift package destined to please top-shelf connoisseurs who crave the toasted nutty profile of Davidoff’s iconic, Dominican-made white label. Indulge your palate in the brand’s most esteemed blends, or present an impressive gift to your favorite cigar lover with a trio of classic Davidoff cigars sheathed in travel-friendly tubes.
Sampler includes:
- 1 - Davidoff #2 (6 x 38)
- 1 - Davidoff 2000 (5 x 43)
- 1 - Davidoff Special R (4.875 x 50)
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