Top-Shelf Showcase
We’re raising Cain fresh from the Holt’s Meat Grinder to feed all the hungry curmudgeons on our mailing list during this week’s Cain Price Crusher, son! Don’t wait for your coolerdor to cave in from a Cain shortage! Shop the most insane deals online while the Cain aisle is under siege from the deepest discounts of the season. Plus, we’re tossing in a FREE Cain Square 4-Finger Ashtray + Metal Sign ($75 total value) with every box you buy! Save up to 64% off the 92-rated Cain F, 90-rated Cain Daytona, 90-rated Cain Habano, Cain Maduro, Cain Nub, Cain Black, Cain Connecticut, and Cain Tubes for as low as $3.74 per cigar. Cain is handmade at the award-winning Oliva factory in Estelí, Nicaragua. Help us relocate your favorite Cain boxes from our palatial, humidified warehouse to your man cave before this week’s DOUBLE FREEBIE expires with FREE SHIPPING on your entire order!