Davidoff Year of the Ox
Davidoff Year of the Ox cigars are blended as part of the company’s annual series honoring the Chinese New Year. The anticipated Year of the Ox commemorates the Chinese Zodiac for 2021 with a blend of Dominican, Nicaraguan, and Ecuador Sumatra long-filler tobaccos beneath a burnished Dominican wrapper leaf. Tasting notes of leather, mushrooms, herbs, cedar, and coffee beans accompany chocolaty and grassy notes in a large ring gauge, 6 x 60 format handmade at the prestigious Davidoff factory in the Dominican Republic. Davidoff Year of the Ox is packaged in limited edition boxes of 10 cigars which tend to sell out quickly despite the high-end price tag. Davidoff fans should add a box of the Ox to their collections before they’re out of stock.
- Country: Dominican Republic
- Wrapper: Dominican
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