Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua
Montecristo commemorates 85 years as a leading cigar brand with the 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua blend. Cigar Aficionado awarded Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua its official ‘#2 Cigar of the Year’ honors with a 95-point rating for 2021. Montecristo cigars enjoy an immense audience thanks to their deep Cuban roots and their rich, approachable taste. 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua is a luxurious, soft box-pressed collection blended by AJ Fernandez from a premium amalgam of vintage Nicaraguan long-fillers tucked under an oily, reddish-brown Nicaraguan wrapper leaf. A medium to full-bodied profile of leather, red pepper, and malted milk chocolate mingles with earthy undertones before a long and lingering finish of hickory and cedar layers the palate. Taste the evolution of an iconic Cuban-legacy brand as only AJ Fernandez can imagine it.
- Country: Nicaragua
- Wrapper: Nicaraguan
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