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Tatuaje Wolfman ST Dupont Maxi Jet Torch Lighter

Indulge your flair for the dark side with a distinctive and stylish limited edition ST Dupont Maxi Jet Lighter designed around the Tatuaje Wolfman theme. Tatuaje brand founder Pete Johnson debuted his wildly popular monster series cigars roughly ten years ago and they are still highly sought after gems. Capture the quality, ergonomics and reliability Maxi Jet lighters deliver with a limited edition model dressed entirely in the Tatuaje Wolfman logo. An accompanying leather sleeve features an embossed brand name. Tout your love for Tatuaje by pulling out the coolest torch in the room.

Tatuaje Wolfman ST Dupont Maxi Jet Torch Lighter

Tatuaje Wolfman ST Dupont Maxi Jet Torch Lighter
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Tatuaje Wolfman ST Dupont Maxi Jet Torch Lighter
$260.00 $233.95 Sold Out