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Peterson Chrome Barley Flask

Get the Peterson Chrome Barley Flask in a 4 or 6-ounce option when keeping a few sips in your pocket is mandatory for celebrating at a moment’s notice. The shiny chrome design harkens back to a bygone era with a slightly raised barley pattern for hiding fingerprints and an elegant oval for engraving on the front side in the center. The screw-top lid features a tight seal and a bolt-on arm to prevent spilling a single drop, or losing the lid. Top off either size with your favorite spirits in a cinch with a convenient chrome funnel. Be prepared for a night on the town, whether you’re heading to the opera or your pal’s man cave. Peterson Flasks make awesome gifts when you’re searching for classy groomsmen accessories at a great value.

Peterson Chrome Barley Flask

Peterson Chrome Barley Flask 6 ounces
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4 ounces
$30.00 $23.95
6 ounces
$35.00 $27.95