Cigar lovers who’ve grown tired of paying top dollar for overpriced, expensive cigars love to shop at Holt’s. Discover a stunning selection of prestigious, top-shelf brands like Ashton, Padron, Fuente Fuente Opus X and many more for an amazing value. Choose from our top-rated variety of premium, rare and collectable cigar samplers. You’re guaranteed to get a jaw-dropping reaction from your favorite aficionado when you pick out a mouthwatering gift from our collection of world-renowned cigar assortments.
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Box of 7
Only: $74.95
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Box of 5
Only: $78.95
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20 Cigars
Only: $79.95
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20 Cigars
Only: $79.95
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20 Cigars
Only: $79.95
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Box of 10
Only: $84.95
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Box of 10
Only: $84.95
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Box of 9
Only: $84.95
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Box of 10 + Travel Humidor
Only: $84.99
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20 Cigars
Only: $89.95
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20 Cigars
Only: $89.95
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20 Cigars
Only: $89.95
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20 Cigars
Only: $89.95
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Box of 4
Only: $95.20
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Box of 4
Only: $95.20
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Box of 10
Only: $99.95
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20 Cigars
Only: $99.95
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20 Cigars
Only: $99.95
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50 Cigars
Only: $99.95
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20 Cigars
Only: $99.95
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20 Cigars
Only: $99.95
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20 Cigars
Only: $99.95
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Box of 12
Only: $99.95
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Box of 10
Only: $99.95
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Box of 5
Only: $99.99
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Box of 5
Only: $102.10
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Box of 5
Only: $102.10
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Box of 12
Only: $107.99
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20 Cigars
Only: $109.95
Shop Now
20 Cigars
Only: $109.95
Shop Now
20 Cigars
Only: $109.95
Shop Now
20 Cigars
Only: $109.95
Shop Now
20 Cigars
Only: $109.95
Shop Now
20 Cigars
Only: $109.95
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Box of 12
Only: $109.95
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Box of 12
Only: $109.95
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Box of 12
Only: $109.95
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20 Cigars
Only: $109.95
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Box of 4
Only: $112.55
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Box of 5
Only: $117.55
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Box of 5
Only: $117.55
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20 Cigars
Only: $119.95
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Box of 20
Only: $119.95
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Box of 10
Only: $129.95
Shop Now
20 Cigars
Only: $129.95
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10 Cigars
Only: $139.95
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10 Cigars
Only: $139.95
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20 Cigars
Only: $139.95
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Box of 5
Only: $146.00
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Box of 8
Only: $150.60
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Box of 8
Only: $150.60
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Box of 14
Only: $156.95
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Box of 5
Only: $158.55
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Box of 5
Only: $158.55
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12 Cigars
Only: $159.95
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20 Cigars
Only: $159.95
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20 Cigars
Only: $159.95
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18 Cigars
Only: $164.95
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20 Cigars
Only: $174.95
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15 Cigars
Only: $179.95
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20 Cigars
Only: $179.95
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Box of 10
Only: $180.00
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Box of 5
Only: $181.50
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Box of 5
Only: $188.70
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Box of 9
Only: $193.10
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10 Cigars
Only: $199.95
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Box of 12
Only: $275.99
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Box of 4 + Lighter
Only: $349.95
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Box of 22 + Book
Only: $2,200.00
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